praise for patti
Malcom Preston
Patti Davis-Ganek is one of the additions to the gallery's roster who merits attention. Her work slips easily from realism to abstraction ... There is an abiding softness and gentleness in these papers.
Eileen Watkins
Star Ledger
Whether using notes of translucent tissue ... or pen and watercolor ... She wisely achieves a sense of rhythm and structure through arrangements of free hand blocks and rectangles ... She wisely leaves something to the viewers imagination, sometimes silhouetting the trees in white for a stenciled effect.
Joseph Gale
Independent Press
That Davis-Ganek has won many Best-In-Shows, Purchase Awards and, most recently, the prestigious New Jersey Watercolor Society Colorist Company Award, is not difficult to understand. She is unafraid of color, yet uses it to temper the dramatic with a pantheistic impression that subsides in delicacy at the outer edges. Her vision is bold but feminine, and she creates harmony with narure within a single frame, from moist soil upward to shimmering sky.
Esther Forman Singer
Worrall Publications
She has a strong flair for barren, frigid scenes in which one can feel the thermometer dropping in her skillful hands.
Sylvia Smith
Newport This Week
.....this artist has a genius for diffusing color...lines slip easily into formlessness, given expression through color.
instagram @pattiganek
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